Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Heaven Is For Real

I review for BookSneeze®
I have had several people ask me if I've read this book and I kept just shrugging it off. I don't consider myself a skeptic, but one cannot help but just wonder if someone really has seen heaven. My oh my, by the end of this book the reader is convinced, Colton did see heaven. This book has rejuvinated my excitement to see heaven. What he saw brought such comfort to my heart, and his "no fear" of death was absolutely powerful. I guess I shouldn't be surprised at his parents skeptism, because I too had some going into this book. This book will bring so much encouragment to the Christian who is long to see the face of Jesus and even I feel it will bring comfort to those who are near death. As Colton said, if we know Jesus, we will go to heaven and oh what a wondeful place it is!